Dreamworks PipelineX is a unique approach to building a highly-scalable, multi-functional, and production-friendly feature animation pipeline on a core infrastructure comprised of microservices. We discuss basic service layer design as well as the benefits and challenges of moving decades-old production processes for an entire animation studio to a new, transactional pipeline operating against a compartmentalized technology stack. The goal is to clean up the clutter of a legacy pipeline and enable a more flexible production environment using modern, web-based technology.
Ray Forziati and Dan Golembeski have both been working at DreamWorks for the past 10 years. Ray is currently the Director of Production Technology, guiding the integration of new pipeline technology into artist workflows, and Dan is the Director of Pipeline, managing the design and development of core pipeline infrastructure across the studio. Prior to their current positions, Ray and Dan served as Supervising Technical Directions on the films Rise of the Guardians and How To Train You Dragon 2, respectively, where they were responsible for overseeing the technology used on the films.
DreamWorks creates and innovates 3D animated feature films, original TV series, and shorts, interactive media, live entertainment, themed experiences, consumer products, publishing, and trailblazing technology. Over the past 20 years, DreamWorks is the studio that has brought you memorable characters and moments from the films Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, and How To Train Your Dragon.
Artella focuses on celebrating the talents of artists globally by connecting them and their passions with other like-minded artists to shape the landscape of how animated content is made. A full virtual studio platform whose sole focus is on making production smoother, easier and funner for everyone involved so that artists can do what they do best; create. When tools and technology become invisible, magic can be created and the possibilities for the animation medium become inspired and endless. This is the passion behind what drives Artella.
Artella is excited to share their direct experience working with their community on nearly 400 animated fully remote productions. Learn about the challenges and successes of remote working teams, the power of the cloud and where they see things headed next.
Bobby Beck is the founder and CEO of Artella, The Virtual Studio Platform. Bobby is no stranger to online communities having started his first company, Animation Mentor, The Online Animation School, in 2005 that he still runs as CEO today. Bobby is known as a creative crusader championing what he calls, “a better future for artists where they can forge their own paths without borders”. Previously working as an animator at Disney Animation Studios, Tippett Studio and Pixar Animation Studios, Bobby has gone on to direct and produce four animated productions on Artellasince it launched in May of 2015; three animated short films and the first ever webVR animated short film, Lily & Snout.
Nimble Collective is a startup creating a cloud based virtual animation platform. Nimble offers an end to end solution for artists and firms to create animation, using a cloud based streaming platform. Nimble includes everything from a Studio level pipeline, rendering, storage and collaboration all from within a browser.
Corban Gossetthas has over 25 years in the animation industry developing Academy Award winning products and integrating feature animation pipelines for some of the most beloved animated films. Corban is currently working on a remote cloud based animation pipeline at Nimble Collective, making it easy for artists to come together to create animation.
As a design major from Washington State University, Corban’s past experience includes 15 years at DreamWorks Animation as a Supervising Technical Director and 10 years at Alias|wavefront as a Senior Product Specialist, where he helped design and implement artist-facing tools and technologies, including the Academy Award-winning animation package, Maya. Corban is a father of two little girls and professional cuddler at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.
When: Wednesday, October 11th. Door opens at 6:30pm for mixer & refreshments – presentations will be 7:30 – 9:00