Game Development Using Autodesk Tools

Presentation: Using Autodesk tools for Game Development

Presenter: Greg Castle & Louis Marcoux
When:  May 22, 2013
Time: 6:30 to 9:00pm
Where: Autodesk Gallery, 1 Market Street, San Francisco 2nd Floor

Are you currently using Autodesk products for game development, or thinking about starting a career in games?

Join us on May 22 to learn all about the latest products and features the company has to offer, as well as understand their views and strategy on our ever-evolving industry.

This event is free but  requires registration.



6:30 pm: Introduction to Autodesk product line (+ Gameware) and company strategy

7:00 pm: 3dsMax/Maya/Mobu/Softimage/Mudbox latest features and workflows

8:00 pm: Game Developer tips and tricks (Guest presenter TBD)

8:30 pm: Drinks & Food

If you have any questions please email me at

Categories: Past Events